地址: 上海市 富平路299弄19号1203室
联系人:沙夕梅 电话:021-51695276
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SeaMetrics电磁流量计 美国SeaMetrics 插入式流量传感器完全没有可动组件。没有旋转轮会在污水中停止转动,也没有轴承磨损的问题。SeaMetrics流量计采用黄铜、不锈钢和PVC型式等多种材质,可适用多种温度、压力和化学环境。 SeaMetrics EX系列流量分析仪分为固定式及插入式,可依您现场需要选择。SeaMetrics流量计特性:安装简易,有电池式FT415或回路电源FT420可选择,有分离式或一体型流量指示器可选择,坚固耐用的金属外壳适用于水处理、水设备、工业化学制品线以及农业。 上海秋腾代理销售美国SeaMetrics 插入式流量传感器、SeaMetrics流量计,美国SITELAB管外夹或插入式时间差流量计、SITELAB管段式超音波流量计等全系列产品。 Seametrics WMX Series Flanged Magnetic Flow Meter:The WMX-Series are flanged electromagnetic flowmeters for use in 4" to 10" pipe in municipal or industrial water and wastewater applications. Because the WMX has no moving parts and has electrodes designed to discourage fouling, this magmeter performs well and requires much less frequent maintenance in applications where debris would impede propeller meters. There is no rotor to stop turning or bearings to wear out. Minimal straight pipe requirements allow WMX-Series meters to be used in piping configurations where there is little space between the meter and an elbow. SeaMetrics现货、SeaMetrics价格、SeaMetrics厂家、SeaMetrics代理、SeaMetrics经销、SeaMetrics型号 SeaMetrics spot, SeaMetrics price, SeaMetrics manufacturers, SeaMetrics agent, SeaMetrics distribution, SeaMetrics model SeaMetrics electromagnetic flowmeter, SeaMetrics plug-in flow sensor, SeaMetrics flowmeter
企业名称: | 上海秋腾贸易有限公司 |
企业地址: | 上海市 富平路299弄19号1203室 |
邮政编码: | 200333 |
企业电话: | 021-51695276 |
企业传真: | 021-51691570 |
电子邮件: | qiuteng2003@163.com |
企业网址: | https://www.xn--fiqvrt9p8qatjj0tc8enn0d.com/shop/qtmy008 |
联 系 人: | 沙夕梅 (女士) |
部门(职位): | |
手机号码: |
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